
On each image an alphanumeric sequence serves, if not to identify, at least to connote. The image lives its own history, in the memory of what has already been. Emerge myths and works of art of the past, icons of the time, memories frozen. Emerge as ghosts indelible mental heritage of humanity. And of these quotes evocative here impress the numbers and letters, according to a logic of analogies and references, names and dates, of literary stratifications.
For Antonio Love the mechanical reproduction of an image delivered by history is a basis on which to build his iconographic pictorial universe, made of color that stretches the canvas in waves, leaving traces sometimes more dense, sometimes diluted to the point to appear rarefied. And painting, pure painting, are the textual codes.
Graphic symbols of writing thus become the very structure of each work, are the skeleton, the soul, are the pillars of composition. In those figures is the expression of a visual search that adopts the text painting, painting written.
"Venus" or "messenger" or "Kuroi" are elements of fate, are images carved between the stores of memory and narratives used as space - time. They live an independent life, until the painting - color does not enter powerfully staged, noting figures and subverting prospects. It will then be the alphanumeric sequence to dictate the terms of the vision, to impose a rhythm of reading, to tie image and emotional tension, to superimpose the languages and experiment mergers lexical, to "write painting".
And yes, it is a painting to be written, inextricably linked to the title, its raison d'etre. What remains of the citations of classical painting or statuary greek - Roman? In the eyes of a contemporary traveler remains a memory drenched colors and emotions, and probably a code more or less visible for storing mnemonic.
Love makes explicit all mental work, hidden, behind the relationship with the archaic, with the languages of the past that open to the contemporary. But there is no room for complacency of the eye, the symbols of this are the continuation of the story.
Each work is not living a dualism between past and present, there is a dichotomy. There is quite the amalgam between the historical condition and futuristic projection. At the center is always the person, her image, her past. And in all this, see the code, which is trademark, is the title and date, which is a symbol of belonging. Letters and numbers are inextricably linked to what is usually called life.
(Enzo Battarra)