
„Kinga Györi newest series proves once again that an authentic contemporary artist who explores the possibilities of painting pictures of. Each issue of further you get towards the truth. Kinga Györi painting is close to the concept of Al'ar pour l'art in the modern sense of the painting that reveal the values of internal and external non-dominant theme, painting the theme of his painting, in other words, painting is not an expression of the many. For this reason, the two paintings will be a determining element of imagery: the color and surface. The composition is subordinate to the surface, respectively. Any small little detail of the image itself to stop and peer in the rest of the picture. The picture composition is important, but covers the entire surface, Greenberg phrase applies all-over structure of the paintings also Györi Kinga. The exhibition's title is only the viewer and support for the colors nagyfelületen excuse the behavior test. The color coating is very expressive, making the images impact not only dazzles the eye, but straight from the heart speaks. Kinga Györi perhaps best illustrate the painting and colors hangulatkeltö hangulaterösítö strength. Since the works of that color plays a major role, more and more images of surfaces, yearn, so maybe this show can feel teljesebbeknek double or triple images. The interface is expressive, but it demonstrates thoughtful finish each brush stroke, or other asset-importance. It is the color intensity and good finish to move closer to the surface and includes spurs sucks the viewer. If there are figurative elements in images, the color of their mood continues, affirmatively. Composition of colors separately for each viewer to experience the sincere grants.”
Deuten Makkai Reka art critic