
Davide Locatelli was born in Monza, September 10, 1978. He graduated in Graphic Arts at the Art Institute "MK Gandhi” in Besana Brianza (Milano) in 1998. In the same year, he attended art classes at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera (Milan). His mentor was sculptor and conceptual artist Luciano Fabro. He then attended for two years the Association of Art in Pavia, specializing in Art Theraphy. The subject of his most recent works (all oil and tar on canvas) is characterized by a strong dream quality, arising from submerged emotions, bringing them to life in the form of symbolism, suggestions and gut feeling. The abstract, breathing, falls from the sky to fertilize blood and the earth. Life is enclosed within the body, protected by darkness, and emerges through the eyes of that special glow that makes it visible. The bodies have wonderful colors in these works and have the opportunity to become visible, like the sky and the clouds at sunset.