
Daniel Milessi Arcondo (Asunción, 1976). Professional Graphic Designer that in 2003 starts to experiment with and video-art participating and exhibing in Asunción in the IV Hall of Young Art La Nación, Videotrama and Asuanima. In 2005 wins the Matisse Price in Asunción and exhibits in 2007 in ArteBA (2006) and Resplandores (2007) in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Also in The Bolivarian Dream (2006) in Santiago, Chile. Also in the First Latinoamerican Video-Art Cicle (2006) in Valencia and Ahechá (2007) in Barcelona, Spain. With The Hispanoamerican Video-Art Cicle “Ultramar” (2007), in Meacvad, Buenos Aires (2007), and also exhibits collectively in Brasil and the United States, and also the Festival Les Instants Vidéo (2007) in Marseilles, France and in Caracas, Venezuela. In 2006 he worked as a Resident in Fontenay-Le-Comte in Francia with the exhibition Et/Ou as the result with three french artists. He also exhibits at the 8th Bienal del Mercosur of Porto Alegre (2011). And finally at the 55th Biennale di Venezia. Paraguay Pavillion (2013). In the actuality he exhibits sometimes individualy in Asunción with the disassocieted identity of the paraguayan and their history. He also develops Artists Residencies projects for paraguayans and foreign artists.