
My work is a constant effort to dialogue with energy and subtle aspects of nature and consciousness of the Earth, to do this I use the tools of art, science and mysticism.
Art is not separate from life, is part and co-creative.

I am interested to the "holistic" concept of the social sculpture of Joseph Beuys, where the creative action (the work) becomes a catalyst for a process, thin and conscience that defines the space to new possibilities of citizens Being of the Earth.

I studied over the past seven years Geomancy (the study of the invisible energy and spiritual landscape of the Earth) with the artist and Slovenian geomancer Marko Pogačnik, working between 2007 and 2008 to build two permanent installations of "art for care of the Earth". "Equilibrium" in Prague, "Hologram of Europe" in Ljubljana.

In 2010 I show part of my research in recent years in the exhibition "Art in Dialogue with the Earth" at the Chaos Art Gallery in Venice.
