The artistic research of Stefania Zorzi focuses on the connections between body, space and matter. Her works are glimpses of life and the constant metamorphosis of the self. The self-portraits reveal a daily life that, reinterpreted, leads to the discovery of loneliness and the difficulties encountered in establishing one’s own identity in the contemporary era. The main focus is on the relationship between man and space, whether be it artificial or natural, and how each of our experiences and steps marks everything in the surroundings, through energy and objects. In her photographs there is an attempt to give a further sign of such transitions and relationships between human presence and the environment surrounding him.
Furthermore, she started working on more projects in which the subjects are people from all walks of life, where the main theme remains identity and communication.
The works of Stefania Zorzi are fragments of life that require all of our attention and analyses as they thrust us into a world of events and intimate confessions, that makes the bond between art and life even stronger.