
I would like to tell you my story through its dreams and words, with my heart that lives for art.
Life is a long road made by many stops and starts. The first start was on 12th November 1969, so my journey began in the lost and funny landscape we call world.
I like travelling, this has always been my passion, diving into other worlds, smelling scents, colours of lights in the different moments of day, this is something really special. An important stop was when I enrolled at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna, in 1992.
For the first time, I stopped. It happened for boredom, by chance or for pleasure; I do not know the reason. In the long time of six years, I grew up to achieve a personal style, which is the independence of thought, it is the man, projected in the world, who is made him inert, unable to dream, where the objects are in the foreground, and he is at their disposal. As Nietzsche writes - I dream knowing I am dreaming, in which the intensification of the information about reality, about its aspects, makes less and less conceivable the same one, a world that in the end becomes fabulous.
I discussed my thesis, titled: “ CLIPBOARD OF A PICTORIAL RESEARCH IN BECOMING", in 1999.
This thesis is dedicated to all those who have lost the way home, who have made the world a dream, and life an adventure.