
“Art is picking a fight with yourself, emotionally, physically and mentally all at once to see what really lies beneath.” – Deime A. Ubani
As a young Bahamian female artist my art pieces are always a battle to jump head first into my own emotions and experiences weather directly or indirectly; good or bad, living as female in a Caribbean country. Over the years my subject has changed from social issues that frustrate me ( in which I wish to give voice to that other may not know how to) ; to putting on canvas the emotion I feel when I recollect fragments of my memories that bring warmth or uneasiness. This for me could be the abstract tile work in my grandmother’s house or the brick work used at my mother’s house, or particular colors that I associate with growing up, certain times and people. Another battle that comes through my work is the want and need to find out who I truly am, what effect has my heritage bought upon that am unbeknownst to. My art is ultimately my mirror of who am becoming and the portal of where I have derived.