
Paolo Vozzella was born in Avellino, 1973. In 1978 he moved with his family to Maracaibo, Venezuela. This new experience is attracted to positive to be drawn from himself all his creativity, being so closely with nature led him to appreciate the subject, "any matter". Thus began the art of creativity! Large stimuli had they attended the school that has had a role to enrich enough to drive him to start putting into practice his ideas. So begins to immortalize on broken glass collected in old factories near his home, the colors and landscapes of his country solar sudamericano.Tornato in Italy in 1986, is devoted to activities that keep him away from schools where they can learn the fundamentals of technical painting. His deep sensitivity and his powers of observation are his leadership not to abandon his passion.
The Vozzella enriches its path even closer to the texts of philosophy and psychology to understand the behavior of human beings. Only 25 years, when he joined the faculty of architecture of Naples, resumed painting regularly. Consolidate the technique of oil on canvas, artist constant comparison from which each can learn helpful hints. In his artistic path has the chance to enrich his other passion: photography.
Trips to Europe and America, exhibitions in museums and galleries, an innate predisposition to paint, the attendance of artist friends are contributing to its cultural and artistic training, and self impegnata.Una original story of Paul Vozzella, devoid of any courtly and academic teaching, but not devoid of talent and ambizione.L 'continued commitment takes the form of an exhibition at Palazzo Caracciolo Avellino 10 to 16 January 2004 - Title "Reality ... Dream!" Graduated in architecture in Naples in April 2005 and continues ...