
Paolo Mara was born in 1950. Autodidact, he began to paint as an adolescence. A deep dialogue with himself, was and is, always the source of his inspiration for his works, more than artistic schools and movements.
After college and a short experience in architectural studies he began his travels around the world, which lasted for more than twenty years.
In 1996 he retired to the countryside next to the Bracciano lake (near Rome) to dedicate his life completely to painting, animals and nature.
His artistic research has always gone together with the experiences of his life, although with some interruptions.
His travel experiences and the places he visited were so important for his uman and artistic developement, that they are present in all his paintings.
Rich from this cultural experience and having accumulated the necessary artistic knowledge, Paolo Mara has become very active in the art world, leaving to his painting the opportunity to speak for him.