A woman artist with an intriguingly incongruous, attention-getting name, the Italian painter known as Adam A appears at first glance to be a stylistic relative of both the Cobra group and A.R. Penck, given the seemingly intuitive neo-primitive energy of her iconography. Looked at from a more homegrown angle, the work on view on Adam A's website (>) could also seem a direct extension of Italy's own Transavanguardia movement of the late 1970s, given the vital new spin that she puts on the visual vocabulary of Expressionism as it was revived in the late 1970s by Sandro Chia, Francesco Clemente, and Enzo Cucchi.
Yet the more of her work one sees, the more one realizes that Adam A is a true original who holds no allegiances to any particular school or tendency, having evolved her own distinctly international answer to how, in an age that often seems dominated by robotic technology and multimedia, the venerable tradition of painterly figuration can remain a valid vehicle for simultaneously conveying a sense of contemporary angst and timeless beauty.(...)

- Maurice Taplinger -Gallery&Studio Magazine NY
