
My medium is everithig what I can use; but lathely painting and illustration in the sense of enlightening the reality. It is only a tool/expression I use in a given moment. A clear goal is very important in communication because it enables the recipient to receive the message in the intended form, not subjectively and full of individual interpretations. Art is not psychotherapy or community service, its goal is communication at deeper levels.

I do not belong to any trend or movement. I do not believe in the concept because it has nothing to do with art or knowledge. It is just an idea or a thought that sprung up by coincidence and that the artist identified with. Now the artist believes that it is their concept, their art. But in truth, it is just a product of their narrow-mindedness and idiocy. In these terms, art is just a way to channel off the tension that builds up by the artist’s narrow-mindedness.

Art is here to shock us, to change the way we feel and to tell us something about ourselves and our attitude towards the world. This can be achieved in two ways; through a hard but superficial shock or through love and joy. In my work I focus on the joy of life and living, which is a shock in itself in the times when people speak and think mostly about the crisis.
