
something about me ...


I arrived on earth in the distant ...
Because it 'really' come from another planet, where everything 'real and not just appearance, where there are no timetables but there is a balance, where there are diversity', where there is' always the sun, where, where , ... but where will 'real?
I began my artistic career to continue living in my world and making it known to others could benefit perche'ne. It helped me to attend both the Art School, both the Academy of Fine Arts where I chose the course of decoration as the less defined ... Nature always fascinated me and initially my favorite subjects were the symbol of endless I represents the infinite, inspired American artist Georgia O'Keefe probably as alien to me.
The fascination with the details of the nature and 'always with me despite having changed gender, my attention and it is' approached the figure, portraying these characters that have a part human and part alien, that somehow I represent, are part of my experience, are around me, turn, change as I transform travel, can help to change shapes, colors, messages ...

Welcome then to my "garden", where for cultivation are my ideas, my creations, my thoughts ...