

By Ivy Mefalopulos

Bitonto – Visiting Emanuele Rubini’s atelier may give you an extraordinary emotion. In the machine time his way of sculpturing (he only uses mallet and chisels) is free of conventions; the artist attacks marble directly, furiously, as if he is trying to free an entity imprisoned within the shapeless stone block.
Rubini carries out most of his work at night, just like the alchemists from Prague, who tried to turn lead into gold.
While observing his work, we are torn between opposite feelings: on one hand, we feel rejected as if our presence may disturb the artist while he’s immersed in his work; on the other hand, we feel attracted as if part of ourselves immerses itself into the marble creation following the invisible paths drawn by the chisel.
When he sculpts, the artist seems to follow a written itinerary, using the letters of a secret alphabet known only to the artist himself. He seems to tell the epic poem of his personal mythological world in a state of auroral uncertainty, which is very similar to foreseeing.
Emanuele, an artist-prophet? If we consider the titles of his works, we would answer no, since they are almost

