
Andrea Viviani
After graduating from the universities of Venice and Trento I frequently visited the studio of the Italian artist Riccardo Schweizer with whom I formed a close association. Following his advice I went to France to learn about the production of ceramics with Roger Capron. In 2002 I opened my own studio in Madonna di Campiglio in the Trentino region of Italy. I have been developing a modern approach using traditional techniques to a variety of artistic creations from tapestries to teapots. My skills range from the illustration of publications to the design and construction of ceramic stoves.

Since January 2007 I have been providing illustrations including pictures and computer graphics for a monthly supplement called ‘Project Manager’ published by the newspaper Sole 24 Ore, based in Milan. I have also produced sketches for two books written by Valery Collins and published by Pegasus Publishers Ltd. I have a sculpture on display in the Ceramics Museum at Castellemonte in Piedmont, Italy (renowned for its ceramic stoves) which was acquired by the museum when I took part in the Premio Nazionale “Fornace 1814” in 2007. One of my works is currently exhibited in the Westerwald Museum of Ceramics near Koblenz in Germany and I also exhibited here in 2006 in an exposition entitled 100% Fantasy.

In 2010 I took part, for the third time, in the biennial event for contemporary ceramic artists held at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Albissola Marino (Italy). In the same year I was finalist in the painting category of an international event organised by the gallery “Arte Città Amica” in Turin and I exhibited in the temporary exposition “Once Upon a Time Pasolini” organised by the Gallery Terre Rare in Bologna.


