We live in an era where slogans and advertising are bombarding us, reaching us inside our homes. According to the painter Paloma Almela, it is difficult to contain all of those media images. This "over-communication" often becomes an "in-comunication". Sometimes looking at commercials and advertising we retain images or characters, but we completely forget all about the products they are sponsoring. Images touch us more, because they provoke responding sensations and impressions inside us. The art purpose is to stimulate the spectator at an emotional level. Paloma pays close attention to her surroundings; photografphs what catches her attention the most then assembles all the collected objects and paints them on canvas.
To create her compositions she takes her inspiration from Pop Art, painting metaphors with perfect lines, clean and well delimited contours. Those are visions that take inspiration from our everyday life and push the spectator into a silent atmosphere. Images are anonymous, without an identity: they may become silent mirrorsto our era for the future generations to judge. Paloma Almela knows how to dialoghe wih reality. Both on the national and international scene there is a clear come back to images, a need of telling, to point out strengths and weakness of our society. We see the need of discovering an alternative poetry for the contemporary, and Paloma seems to have elected this road as her modus-operandi in the art field.