Serena Fanara, an artist from Sicily, lives and works in Florence, where in 2008 she graduated in Architecture. Since she was little, she has been interested in art, illustration and photography, disciplines that she blended with architecture during the course of her studies. Her professional activity in the artistic field began in 2003 when she started to exhibit her work and organize art expositions. She has participated in numerous collective art shows, exhibiting illustrations, and then installations. She has created the design for festivals that have received national attention.
Besides running an artistic program centered around installations and collective public art projects, Serena is currently working as artistic director of the exposition space Site Specific in Florence. This space opened in March 2009 and it is based on a project she conceptualized that deals with the theme of the relationship between art and ecology.Sustainability and the environment but especially re-using or “re-living” are fundamental themes in Serena’s work. Her preferred materials are paper, metal, fabric, tires, inner tubes, and found objects that are capable of reinve