
Flaminia Quattrocchi

Very young artist and stage designer.Her “Joyful” Art is a cry for indipendence and love for freedom. An art full of colours, emotions, sensation, love for experimenting.
The artist loves create her pictures through different materials which allow her to produce three-dimensional work. Therefore freedom of paper, sand, glue, chalk.... all present in her scenic production!
Flaminia was born in Syracuse on the 21st March in 1985.
She graduated in stage designing at the St. Mark Academy of Arts in Florence under the tutorship of the stage designer Piero Buzzichelli.
Colours and painting are part and parcel of Flaminia's DNA and her sytle flourished during a painting and life drawing course at the Academy.
She held her first exhibition in her own town at Villamare Hotel in Fontane Bianche in July 2008. In December of the same year she was awarded the second prize at the competition for young artists “Il Giocattolo” organized at Palazzo Rospigliosi in Zagarolo (FR).
In this same palace, in May 2009 she participated together with the first ten winners in a collective exhibition where she was well received.
In the Spring of 2009 the artist joined the Greek Theatre

