
When asked about how I started painting, an advertising slogan comes to my mind which sais: when pleasure of smoking all what's left means that things are bad. The work-home routine, the TV-bed routine, the routine of socialization, and the panic that life is just routine... the need for love, the awareness that even love is routine... the need for a change... and then the decision to get out of it. Not without regret, not without remorse. Then followed the struggle and the sleepless nights: where was I heading, what was next?

Painting came as a relief, but I realized I could not paint on request, and sitting in front of the empty canvas without inspiration risks only to ruin it. Then, slowly, I discovered that good music and a glass of wine can bring me in a proper state of creation. Since then painting became an intimate pleasure, a pleasure that resonates with all my being. An inner silence surrounds me when I'm in front of the canvas. I translate myself in another world where there are not fights, where the need for love disappears, a world that makes me smile mysteriously, a world which I can not describe in words.

A jazz concert inspired me to pain black and white... on the dark scene, the musicians appeared monochrome under the bright spotlight ... then technicians started playing with the light, reduced the beam and focused solely on instruments. You could only see instruments played by hands coming out from darkness. And then my paintings came to life... I like to say that my paintings are black on black ... Depending on light one can discover more or less details. My greatest satisfaction is that with every new canvas I discover new ways of painting, I improve my technique and have new ideas. My hope is to once paint that picture that compels me to contemplate it for hours.

Discover me on my personal website ! Search for Zagan and you will find it.
