
Between 2005 and 2009 she was the Contemporary Art Advisor to the Province of Milan
She curated CECAC (European Course for Contemporary Art Curators) - Fondazione Ratti, Como, Italy and Province of Milan.
Between 2000 and 2004 she headed the Archivio degli Artisti C/O Careof-Viafarini, Milan.
She curated exhibitions such as Aware: Art Fashion Identity, Royal Academy, London, 2010; Spazio, Maxxi, Rome 2010; Alfredo Jaar, It is Difficult, Spazio Oberdan, Hangar Bicocca (with Bartolomeo Pietromarchi); Alfredo Jaar, Questions Questions public project, Milan, 2008; LESS, Strategie alternative dell’abitare, PAC Padiglione d’arte Contemporanea (Pavilion for Contemporary Art), Milan, 2006; LESS#1 Alternative Living Strategies, section of Gwangju Design Biennale 2007 (cat.); Wherever We Go, Ovunque Andiamo (co-curated with Hou Hanru), Spazio Oberdan, Milan and SFAI San Francisco Art Institute 2007; Drink Water, Lucy e Jorge Orta, Bevilacqua La Masa Foundation, Venice 2006.
She teaches modules on Contemporary Art and Public Art at: Politecnico di Milano, Faculy of Design, Milan; Università Bicocca, Faculy of Sociologioy, Milan; Domus Academy, Milan; Università Cattolica, Milan.
She is currently working on the pubblication Landscape with figure, art, public sphere, social transformation, ed. Allemandi (2011).

