I divide my works in two groups that push in different investigative-expressive directions : Sensorial Topology e Complementary. A topology, in matematics, is an entity that discribes a set shape, listing its subsets.
Works belonging to Sensorial Topology are those where body or its parts compares and in witch I represent sensations and emotions in all their phisicity, foresmuch as emotion coincides with emotion site. I believe that emotions - sensations are the way throughout the body dialogues with itself. In continuous exchange and elaboration with outside and inside, this complex system is anithing but perfect and well adapted. Often it binds, it doesn’t recognize its own signals, it mystify them. I draw and paint as a synecdoche the crisis that can come from. My works treat conscience states. Works belonging to Complementary are all the others: cosmological, biological, chemical, mathematical. It emerges fascinations of my scientifical studies , amazement in front of the thin edge between life and not-life, emotion in front of the beauty of science, mystery of the opening of new horizons of thought.