
Stefano Bolcato was born in Rome where he lives and works. He started drawing as a self taught student at the end of the eighties. In the nineties he followed some academic courses amongst which the free academy of life drawing at the academy of fine arts in Rome, with Alfonso Avanessian and the Ornamental art school courses with Giovanni Arcangeli. Today his personal research stretches along two different ways: one keen on figurative through the landscape and architectural settings combines a thorough use of colours with mysterious elements. His canvasses are somehow reminiscent of metaphysical and intimate investigation. The other path concerns themes recalling the small somehow infinite world of childhood but not exclusively. The artist while setting his scenes under a magnifying glass delineates dense social scenes and perspectives of daily realism. The power of these works is not only in their sometimes dramatic content but in their vivid colours as in the foreshortened close ups which involve and draw the viewer on them.