
Work in Public and Private Collections

- Magyar Fotógrafie Múzeum, Kecskemét, Hungary

- Mother Jones International Fund of Documentary Photography,
San Francisco, U.S.A.

- Pan Horama ry, Tampere, Finland

- Saint-Gervais Genève Images, Genève, Switzerland

- National Museum of Photography, Film & Television,
Bradford, Great-Britain

Exhibitions (assorted)

- Photokina Cologne: “Picturetaker”

- Photogallery Altstadt, Augsburg: “Inside Out”

- Kunsthaus Nürnberg: “Die Ränder der Dinge”

- Tampere, Finnland: “Waiting for the Kingdom”

- Galerie Lindig, Nürnberg: Gerhard Richter / Jürgen Schabel:
“On Water”

- Kyrgyz National Museum of Fine Arts, "Package for Kyrgystan"

- Neue Parkgalerie Erlangen, "Women´s Fragrance"

Books / Publications (assorted):

- ”Take Me to the River...”,
Philosopher Reinhard Knodt Meets Fotografen J.S.,
Verlag Gillitzer & Müller, Nürnberg

- “The Human Condition”,
Anniversary of International Journalismus, Graphis New York

- “Time for Peace”, Pictures from Belfast, Irland Journal, Moers

- "Black Rain - Vietnamese Diaries", Magazine Straßenkreuzer