
Paolo Viterbini at the end of 70s renews his painting following the teaching of Eduardo Palumbo, he improves deeply in to the characters of contemporary art starting from the lesson of Futurism. In the same time he attends the Free Academy of nude in Roma with Giulio Turcato.
He has the possibility to visit the most important capitals of the world and to look at many international museums.
In kenia, South Africa, Ghana he observes the essential African signs, the liberty of the gesture of the Americans and in India and Japan the refiniment of Asian simbols.
An important succession of exibitions with the Society Dante Alighieri, has enphasized his work at Italian Consulate of Miami, at Modern Art Museum of Accra, in Zagabria, Lubiana, Albona, Spalato.
He also exposes in Hong Kong and New York.
In Italy in several public and private intitutions, from Torino to Roma, From Milano to Napoli, Ascoli Piceno, Gorizia...
His painting is marked by a peculiar interpretation of signs and urban simbols that we every day involve and that, also if we do not directly perceive, are part of our life.


