
Having been originally educated in
telecommunications, he then turned to photography
beginning his studies in Prague in 1992.
Kurt founded a school of photography in Austria in
1996 and now teaches history of photography,
journalism and he gives lectures at the
St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences.
Publisher of three books and
multiple prize winner in this field.
Kurt‘s work has enjoyed numerous exhibitions
both home and abroad.
Over the last years, multimedia projects
have been a focal point of his activities.

„Überlebt – Menschenbilder Lagerbilder“ - 1999
„Der schwarze Ritter“ - 2001
„Sommerschnee“ - 2008

Exhibitions, Performances (Selection)
2006 From village to town – Dhaka / Bangladesh
2006 „staTdT_kunst“ - Zurich
2007 „staTdT_kunst“ - Amsterdam
2008 „Lichtspuren“ – Lentos Linz
2008 „StaTdT_kunst“ Athens
2008 Backlight 08 / Tampere / Finland
2009 Darmstädter Tage der Fotografie
2009 „staTdT_kunst“ Kopenhagen
2010 Fotobuchfestival in Kassel (
Nominiert für den Dummy Award 2010)
2010 „Città Utopica“ / Wien Modern / November 2010


