
Born in Marburg (Germany) in 1965

Studies in the atelier of his mother,
the paintress Annegrete Reinarz.
In the ‘80 frequent working stays in
Paris to study the french modern arts.

From 1989 to1994 studies at the university
of Cologne. Constant work with the different
techniques of painting and graphic arts.
From1989 to 2002 Anno Matthias Henke
lives and works in Cologne.
Parallel main emphasis in the ’90 on
Underground music with different Punk,
Alternative and Wave projects with
numerous record publications.

Frequent working stays in Italy especially
Lago di Garda, Emilia Romagna, Toscana,
Roma, Firenze, Venezia, Calabria and Puglia.
Since 2002 Anno Matthias Henke lives and
works in Bologna.
Removes to Cologne in 2011 were he lives and works.


