
Presently the person with a computer are in closer contact, than the person with the person. Computers and technics have completely entered into our life, however it entails infringement of interpersonal attitudes. People communicate among themselves by means of the Internet or phone.
Technologies gravitate to minimalism, a decadence - to superfluous luxury and pretentiousness. Technologies - are intellectual, the decadence - is beautiful and aesthetic. Whether probably to create a field at which equally these concepts would be crossed? Whether there is a harmonious parity of such categories and achievements of mankind, how Hi-tech and spirituality, Wi-Fi and beauty, smartphones and female grace, robots and a decadence?
Places appears unmotivated luddism concerning of gadgets: someone has thrown out the TV from a balcony, office-clerk has revolt against computers. Are successfully spent and cause delight at associates of competition on a throwing of mobile phones. Perhaps, it also is the protest of the person against technologisation and excessive intellectual practicalness?


