
Maria C. Bada is an Italian artist actually in London, UK. Actually, she is the London Network Co-ordinator for You Are Home (YAH) Itinerant Eco-village and she is working on art and environment, climate change, green economy, self-resiliancy and sustainability, Post-humanism and Isolation, Recycling Art, Eco-Art.

Her doctoral thesis on Endangered Languages won the third award at the X. Edition of the International Competition Price "Studi Scientifici sul Plurilinguismo" organised by Ufficio Bilinguismo e lingue straniere di Bolzano.


Winner of the XI. Edition of the Biennal of Young Artist from Europe and the Mediterranean (Bjcem) in 2003 and of various national prices for poetry.

Among her publications:
- Maria Claudia Bada, “Il sepolcro”, in Luisa Gasbarri (ed.), Quattordici giorni a domani, Teramo, Demian Edizioni, 2006, pp. 27–34.
- Grossi Enza - Bada M. Claudia - Manselli Claudia, Tracce vol. 72-73, Pescara, Tracce, 2006.
- Maria Claudia Bada, “Hi, virus”, La Luna di Traverso. Laboratorio di narrazioni: Incontro, 8/21, Parma, MUP Editore, 2008, pp. 25–27.
- Maria Claudia Bada, “Segni di un nuovo tempo romano”, La Luna di Traverso. Laboratorio di narrazioni: Times New Romani, 8/22, Parma, MUP Editore, 2008, pp. 28-29.


Pescara (Italy)

With NoHayBanda, a film-makers independent network and cultural association, she has curated and organised the following events:

- January 2003–September 2003: Censorship and movies, a day of film and debate on censorship inside the Festival delle Letterature, 1st edition, sponsored by the Assessorato alla Cultura, Citta' di Pescara.

- May 2004 – May 2008: Video Italienes Autoproduites, inside Primotempo, organised by T.S.I. Florian.

- August 2004: Raccolta video Differenziata - I colori del territorio - provincia di Pescara

- December 2006: Documentary filmfest – Docupe, 1st edition, Cinema Massimo, Pescara.
Summer 2007: Matta Estate, Rassegna Internazionale Di Cinema Sperimentale e Videoarte, Ex Mattatoio, Pescara.

- August 2008: La notte dei musei, VideoNuit au Musee Cascella/VideoNotte al Museo Cascella

Bamberg (Germany)

- November 2007: Organiser and curator (with Rapahela Schneider) of Bandalarga, a night for the Italian short-films produced by NoHaBanda, Roten Salon, LICHTSPIELKINO, Bamberg, Germany.

London (UK)

- October 2010: Soundscapes Gallery interdisciplinary project “Batting the Trees” Community Project to explore environmental balance, biodiversity and landscape change, Bodrum Café (downstairs), 61 Stoke Newington High Street, London N16 8EL.

- February 2013–June 2013: Curator (with Irini Papadimitriou) and Organiser of “SHAPE THE FUTURE: Living and Design the City” (9 May –5 June 2013) Recycled Art Contest and Exhibition at Watermans Arts Centre, London.


- 22 April 2009, Giornata culturale della Facultad de Filosofia y Letras, Facultad de Filosofia y Letras, University dell' Estremadura, Caceres, Spain -“Liturgie” cycle.
- 8 August 2009, Festival dei giovani artisti Vengo a cercARTI, 3rd edition, Civitella Rovereto (AQ), Italy: selected artist.
- 11–12 September 2009, Bitonto Art Festival Contest - Id-entita' ri-tratte: selected artist for the exhibition;
- 12 – 16 October 2009, contest “Il 14esimo mistero: passatofuturo”: selected artist, Galleria Limiti Inchiusi ex Onmi Campobasso, Italy.
- 13 – 21 November 2010, HOMELESS GALLERY: Part of Photomonth - East London Photography Festival 2010 (“Autodafe” photography project)
- 14 February – 06 March 2011
, „Von der Dunkelheit ins Licht“ Ausstellung (photography and paintings), BISTUMHAUS St.Otto, Heinrichsdamm 22, Bamberg, DE.
- 26 March–26 May 2013, Member of ISOCULTURE Project, Watermans Arts Centre, London. Exhibition production: Teras 0.1. (book format/text and drawings), Teras world(s) dictionary.

Arts & Cultural categories:
New media & digital arts, arts & ecology, arts in a social context, Literature & Publishing, e-literature, fiction, novel, poetry, translation, Multidisciplinary Arts , painting, photography

Thematic scope:
Artistic Practice, Cultural Funding, Cultural Networking