
Gian Maria Tosatti is a visual artist. He founded and directed the group Hôtel de la Lune.
His research between visual arts and architecture inspired site specific installations as the cycle “Devozioni” and the project “Landscapes”, works of public art in areas in which acts an urban conflict.
Gian Maria Tosatti [Hôtel de la Lune] is currently working on two new projects, “Fondamenta”, based on the identification of contemporary age archetypes and “Le considerazioniu sugli intenti della mia prima comunione restano lettera morta”, dedicated to the traces left by the human crisis state.
In 2008 Hôtel de la Lune won the Premio Terna 01.

Selected exhibitions

2009 - Connectivity
New York, Chelsea Art Museum

2009 - Quotidiana 09
Padova, Palazzo Trevisan

2009 - Le considerazioni sugli intenti della mia prima comunione restano lettera morta - spazio #1
Genazzano (RM), CIAC (Centro Internazionale d'Arte Contemporanea

2008 - Premio Terna 01
Roma, Palazzo delle Esposizioni

2008 - I Giorni del silenzio - devozioni IX
Roma, Idrovora sulla Riva Ostiense (per Fondazione Volume! - curated by Alessandro Facente)
