
Malgorzata (Margherita) Winnik, born in Wroclaw ,Poland. Resident in Gorizia, Italy.
In 2003 graduated at the Pietro Vannucci Fine Arts Academy of Perugia, presenting a thesis on " Materiality of Plastic Language" with a final mark of 110/ 110 with distinction.
She further enhanced her sculptural techniques as the Universitat de Barcellona Facultad de Belles Arts in Spain, with a particular focus on metal fusion. Malgorzata Winnik takes part in exhibitions at national, international , collective and individuals levels , in the presence of important Art critics, and has been awarded several prizes for her work.
" I am obsessed with shapes which deny status to an object ; shapes which seem to be self-generated, in which neither the artist's hand nor the technique are evident. I always take into account the surprises that nature reserves us. I respect its nature and never abuse it.
I am fascinated by connecting shapes and dissolving them into a common space, making them compatible."

