
Copyright©® in the middle of the road of our lives-Dante Alighieri Nel Mezzo del Cammin di Nostra Vita
(Copyright© G.Barsciglié made in the Italy)
A few years ago, a surgeon friend of mine kindly asked me to accompany him to purchase some works of art by a painter named Barscigliè, whom I had never heard of and who resided in the countrysi_e near Gaville – (Firenze). Re desired my opinion, as I had been a design, painting, and art history instructor for many years and loved art above alI else. I told him that appreciating a work of art is something very personal and thus something that had to be to his liking. Rowever, compelled by mere curiosity, I agreed toaccompany him. After a horribly narrow road,we arrived to a point in the woods where there stood a small house in the process of remodelling. There were several dogs which barked at our arrivaI and alI of a sudden he appeared... a faun ofthe woodlands with metalli c eyes and a peculiar air that emanated directly from his person.I felt embarrassed. I didn'rlike playing the part ofthe critic and I thought to myself: "What wilI I say now to one or the other if I don't like the paintings, especially I with my vic.....


