
Anthony Carlo Bridges - (critical Teacher of art), "... square polimaterici, lumpy, violent, desperate, iconici, felt. His paintings may remind us vaguely of the naivetè of the Transavanguardia, but only as anatomical, but deprived deformation - here the Crucial difference - of the ironic matrix, autoreferenziale, narcissistic, clownesca... in the Sacred Romano Boriosi The Ransom seems to find the Revelation-revolution. Here he plunges, here it Slips in one "Total immersion." Here and The shelter against the desperation. His/her transcendent nest-building. Not of "way", but energetic, energetic, turgid, virile, not pigtail, to the Rouault.
Here it is his/her last beach before the alienation of the man to a dimension. Before the naked desperation, of the extreme discouragement, of the delirium, and of the cry... Also the art howls in the darkness, he/she calls to the help, it invokes the Spirit ".
The cry of Hermann Bahr, is not So Far, - ahinoi - Remote. I have Found again him in herI have Found again him in the painting of Romano Boriosi, and I transcribe him/it, as a notary. (Romano Boriosi), At the beginning... edited by To. C. Bridges, G. Zavarella, R. Manescalchi (Catalog of the Show) CERP, Fortress Paolina, Perugia, June 2003.


