
Pier Callegarini, designer and artist born in Treviso, lives between the worlds of design and art, both at an international level. Known in the creative world as Pier, he creates following the inspiration that comes from design, travel and daily life mixed with his talent, he is able to capture the most creative ideas in the world that changes and evolves. One of the key concepts for Callegarini is contamination: art and design interact and contaminate positively with each other; and the peculiarities of each of the two spheres are mixed. In Pier’s art shapes, colors, materials and ideas go beyond the stereotypes, giving new life to creativity.

After years of experimentation and growth Callegarini has created the innovative technique TRIPLED whose name is a combination of the words TRIPLE, TRIP and LED.

Triple refers to the three steps required to create the work and, above all, to the three emotions that it can raise when it is turned on in the dark, turned on in daylight or turned off.

Trip refers to travel as a source of inspiration for the artist and as emotional journey that is experienced living the piece of art.

LED refers to technology that supports the creation, and allows to illuminate it. The LED, thanks to its neutral light, becomes the first "sheet" on which the artist creates, and is able to highlight, once lit, shades and unexpected contrasts between the layers of color that make up the work.

Tripled - one artwork, three emotions - are designed to be experienced in different situations by communicating distinct emotions, and are the synthesis of the artist’s experiences, who is both a traveler and designer, cross-contamination between knowledge and creative instinct.
Each work, three emotions: turned off, turned on in daylight, turned on in the dark.