
My art practice is based on the combination of eastern and western philosophy, the idea of materiality and immateriality, the physical world and the spiritual world. This is carried out by exploring different types of material, the sensation of colour, the meaning of monochrome, and how the physicality of the material is related to immateriality and spirituality.
In my work, I have carefully traced the outlines of marks made by various objects on different types of material, and then transferred them onto canvas by using a paintbrush with monochromatic colors. The marks on the material, represent the presence as well as the absence of the objects; thus the material becomes immaterial and spiritual. Due to the physical nature of paint, the intensity of the colour fades as it is spread thinner by the brush, leading to different shades of the colour. This variance in intensity of colour can create a sense of diminishing physical presence, and thus an increase in spiritual presence, however the reverse is also true. A paradox is created with the purity of the colour representing the visible and material and the impurity of the color representing the invisible and immaterial.