
Sculpture, drawing, photography, installation, video and teaching contemporary art are the attraction points of my research. In my work the will to experiment with new forms of expression through the sensitivity and the alchemy of the most intriguing natural and artificial materials (from chalk to soap, from photography to transparent resin, from stone to wool) manifests itself through a form that is in constant evolution.
From my investigation of expression transpires a trait that is at once powerful and also soft and playful, where the infinite spiral passes from the visual inputs of my drawings, to the tactile inputs of my soft-toys, to the spatial input of my sculpture and site-specific installations, as ideal and fundamental element for the development of language and experimentation in space.
I believe a need for clarity and awareness through the relation between the slow time of the snail and the opposing speed of the contemporary world to be metaphor of the relationship between art and life, between private, personal places and alien places.