
VeniceLands ArtPrize is an International Competition and a Contemporary Art Exhibition open to all, with prizes awarded by experts and the public.
VeniceLand ArtPrize promotes culture, encourages exchanges between artists and the host territory, art criticism, and the work of emerging artists, and all this through a vision of Diffused Art, widespread on the territory and not closed, or limited, in dedicated venues.
Art and Artists, and inhabitants of the places where exhibitions are held, meet, know each other, interact, exchange ideas and experience.
The exhibition of the works takes place in several venues of a circuit of participating municipalities, equal to about 150-240,000 inhabitants, in the Province of Treviso, thus creating a Widespread Art Exhibition.

What's VeniceLands in few words?
• Ten days of Exhibition spread in the circuit of Municipalities for all the finalist Artists.
• Catalog of finalist works, distributed to Galleries, Curators, Art magazines, Collectors.
• Workshops, meetings, exchanges of experiences between the artists present and the public
• Art and Artists go to their audience, there they meet emotions and provoke ideas
• 10 days of Art, Words, Meetings, People in the places of the cities of art, but also of Prosecco, Tiramisù, Radicchio di Treviso, and other goodnesses.
