
Francesca Boffetti was born in the province of Bergamo on 11 January 1995. She graduated in Visual Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera in Milan and she was a student of the contemporary artist Omar Galliani. In September 2017 she won the first prize in the painting section at the Fondazione “L’Arsenale” under the patronage of Regione Lombardia and Comune of Iseo with the work "The shadow of thought". In the same year her work "Profondo punto di vista” was acquired by the Go Ronco Art Museum. Recently it was ranked among the first sixty artists finalists of the "Premio Arte 2018" of Cairo Editore. The lunar scenarios and new discoveries of the American agency NASA are the direction of his artistic research. His circular canvases lead the observer to be transported in an infinite space, without corners and boundaries that prevent the sense of the pictorial gesture. An intimate and individual game performs the artist through informal and spatial painting.