
Carlotta Sangaletti was born in Chiavari in 1991.
Graduated in Applied Arts - Pictorial and Scenic Decoration
in 2010 at the Chiavari State Institute of Art.
In February 2014 she completed her three-year studies at the Academy of Fine Arts of Carrara, section of Painting with the thesis "ReinterpretArt: the reinterpretation of art seen by children". Followed by Professor Giovanni Chiapello.
In June 2014 she resumed her biennial studies at the Academy of Fine Arts of Carrara, also in the Painting section, where she was in June 2017 with the pictorial-graphic thesis "The face of the Blue " by professors Gianni Dessì and Irene Podgornik Badia.
There are three fundamental themes that recur in my works, where I try to involve the viewer's sensitivity:
the centrality of the female figure, the embrace and the look.
Women who withdraw from the reality in which they are represented and in that same reality well rooted, delicate and strong boundaries and strong lines with which they are depicted.

