
Tommy Bonicelli was born in 1977.
In 1994, at the age of 17,with his closest friends, he forms the first group of Hip Hop in the Seriana valley, the 3mm. Posse.
During this time until the early 90’s, he gains the first spiritual knowledge that leads him to undertake an artistic career. In December of 1996, he abandons his studies as a building surveyor and moves into a home of his own. In this solitude, he begins the process of introspection and of clashing with the the symbols of the civil world. Music, but above all, the pencil and paintbrush are chosen instruments to react to the complexities of life’s new experiences. In June ’97, he leaves for mandatory military service for 10 months during which the desire to study art grows and at the end of his service, Tommy achieves excellent results in the admission’s exam and begins the study of Visual Arts. In February 2003, he attains the Academic Diploma of painting from the Academy of Beautiful Arts Giacomo Carrara of Bergamo. Tommy Bonicelli was selected to participate in the touring exhibition of “Italian Contemporary Art” which was presented in a circuit of important national and international events (Sardegna-Mosca-Ginevra..