
Passionate about Art History, since adolescence, has shown appetite and special skills for the
Drawing and painting, also recognized by their teachers. Among the various techniques learned, he chose the
Tempera and oil painting, producing numerous paintings over time.
His elementary teacher work, conducted in recent years at the Marco Polo Educational Circle of
Nickel did not allow her to spend much time on artistic production, though she has always
Kept interest in the art, and in addition to helping the artistic skills of its pupils with whom it has
Won numerous awards competitions.
At the end of her career, advised and supported by great artists, she spent many years at her
Passion, taking care of the study of the design, through charcoal, pastel and acrylic copies, of Artworks
And refining the technique of painting.
In recent years he has produced several works, has published them in many art groups by participating in
Contest and getting positive criticism from well-known international artists.
His works have been selected by several art houses including: Artexpertise, Flyer Art Gallery,
Officina Space, Luigi Cerruti, etc., who have offered various exhibitions in Italy and abroad and has
Received purchase requests.
For this reason, given the likelihood found, he decided to participate in exhibitions and competitions.
He attended some exhibitions organized in Piedmont by the sculptor Angelo Cottone;
At the "Homage to Frida" exhibition, organized by Amedeo Fusco and Rosario Sprovieri, patronized
From the Mexican Embassy and held in Rome at the Chancellery's Palace;
His work participates in the Competition launched by the European Museum of Modern Art in Barcelona;
Participated in the Spring Festival of Castagnole Piedmont, curated by the sculptor Angelo Cottone.
One of his works was selected to attend the PAINTING GIUSEPPE CARESIO PRIZE in Turin;
In July he will exhibit three works at the International Art Express Exhibition in the castle
Aldobrandeschi Collacchioni of Capalbio (Grosseto). Etc…..