My work is the product of a philosophical reflection upon human beings and their controversial approach to their own existence. I make use of whatever medium I see suitable to give substance to my ideas, without setting limits to myself; for this reason, my experiments with different materials or techniques begin and end without any rational continuity.
I am interested in conveying a message of pure and unadulterated reflection, distancing myself from sterile provocations and loud denunciations, as I concentrate my efforts on instilling awareness of different aspects of present reality, which I see as a conglomerate of tensions and contradictions between the human ego and its existential evolution. For this reason, I choose to explore more tranquil and discreet forms of expressions, interpreting creativity as an act of intimate contemplation.
Lately, I have been pursuing an expressive synthesis of the synergic relationship between different materials, concentrating especially on assembly techniques and support structures, and seeking to establish a spontaneous dialogue between the constituent parts of my compositions. In a way, I am trying to explore the very noumenon of artistic language by establishing expressive interconnections which could unravel freely in space.