
Degree at the Academy of Fine Arts of Carrara on the 02/10/2009 with vote 110/100.


Academy of Fine Arts of Carrara - 2007 Scenography, period of trhee years
Academy of Fine Arts of Carrara - 2009 Scenography period of two years
Specialistic Course:
Certification Quality UNI EN ISO 9001 - 2002

High School:
Istitute Arts Felice Palma '00 with vote 81/100

Informatic know:
Office (word, powerpoint etc.), Autocad, 3d Studio Max, Cinema 4d.
Good Knowledge about English Language.

Work and live in Marina di Carrara, was born in Carrara 21/08/1980, where work in her artistic laboratori.
When were hes young through him sister teacher of Art degreeted to Academy of Fine Art sto Carrara start to appreciate the art.
Since midlee school he put on a good capacity on the application and tecnique arts.
Mario Genovesi, age 30, after a first experience at the universit of Architecture of Genova subsequently at the Accademy of Fine Arts of Carrrara, He conclude the period of trhee years, attualy frequent the first age about period of second years Vision Arts Scenography.
After a first pictorial approach decidedly figuration, her researc are purely Pictorial, and her table become an esprescion instrumental about a partecipation to human existence always more careful to return an immane of shatter beauty soul expression about problems of modern culture.