Behind the Burka II
Prize, Switzerland, Bezirk Schwyz, Schwyz, 31 August 2016

Behind the Burka II, is not about the garment. It is continuous effort to illustrate the cultural dogma. Growing up in a very dominant cultural family helped me understand the need of expressing the voice of

Afghan women in Afghanistan. ere are so many problems and issues that need to be addressed. Using objects that are symbolic can help me create what I need to say on canvas.

Still life narration gives an personal voice to my paintings. “Burka” is used as an icon for women in Afghanistan. Each still life takes many months of research and trail an error to come to final stage. Once the set up is chosen then value studies determine its destiny. Many layers of paint brings to life the composition to speak to the audience. e red Afghani carpet gives the still life ground that determine it’s origin. e names of each composition is very important part of the final outcome. It reveals the paintings identity.

e realism style helps me speak the international language to convey my message to the world.

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