ADRENALINE AWARDS 4.,0 - JESUS 3.0 , Deadline 23.10.2016.
Prize, Italy, Roma, 30 September 2016
Skills: Exhibition space, Sponsor, Artist

1.1 The “Adrenaline Awards” is promoted by the FEF society sas with the collaboration of international

organisations and associations working in the sector.

1.2 The Adrenaline Awards is a biennial competition (with special editions) aimed at promoting

contemporary art and artists in all its forms, and at enhancing the relationship between art, society,

solidarity, tourism and business. The competition is divided into 4 CREATIVE AREAS and 3 categories

for each area.

This edition is considered to be extraordinary as the Jubilee that characterize the city of Rome.

1.3 The ADRENALINE Awards involves the realisation of one or more exhibits travelling to prestigious

venues (in previous years the ADRENALINE Awards project has exhibited the works of

the winners and beneficiaries at the former Jewish Market Street in San Teodoro, Rome, Italy, in

the Capitoline Museum “CENTRAL MONTEMARTINI” in Rome, and at the MACRO the Pelanda,

Rome Italy, Museum of Marino) and in its catalogue (now in its 5th edition).

1.4 The winning Works of the Adrenaline Awards will be presented during the final event (“Event

Awards”) and will be exposed during the course of one or more exhibitions on dates and places to

be communicated 30 days prior to the participants and the national and international media.

1.5 Applications for the awards open on October 30, 2015, and close 20 days before the completion

of the first step (as announced on the official website) unofficially scheduled for the end of

October 2016

Art. 2 – THEMES

2.1 The theme of the Awards on which artists are asked to express their creativity is entitled

“JESUS 3.0” – The representation of Christ Contemporary 2015 years later...”.


3.1 Artists of every nationality and residency can participate in the Awards as long as they are

eighteen years of age when the registration opens and are in compliance with the registration procedures

set out in section 8 of this Regulation.


4.1 Bodies involved in the conduct of this competition are the Jury (composed of prestigious and

representative members) and the Curator’s Committee.

4.2 The Jury will be part of the rights chosen by the members of the Curatorial Committee chosen

by FEF.

4.3 The decision of the Jury shall be final and not subject to any appeal.

4.4 The Curator’s Committee of the Awards expects the figure of CURATOR / ARTISTIC DIRECTOR

to be covered by Ferdinando Colloca creators and owner of the ADRENALINA project, by responsible

scientific Carla Cace and the co-creator Federico Bonesi.


5.1The Awards are divided into 4 creative areas:

Classical Painting, Sculpture (area 1);

Photography, Video Art, Music video, Digital Painting, Graphic Arts (area 2);

Body Art, Creative Performance, Installations and Street Art (area 3);

Poetry published or unpublished, fiction and non-fiction (area 4).

For each enrollment in the competition, entrants will be required to specify the individual Creative

Area for which they intend to participate.

You can also participate in more recreational areas and with more works by paying the entry fee +

the basic quota provided for each work more loaded.

5.2 Participants in each creative area will then be divided into 3 categories – “GOLD”, “SILVER”


The GOLD category is reserved for artists with experience and activities already accredited in Italy

or abroad. The artists will be invited to participate based on the quality of their curriculum – which

will contain museum pieces from major public or private galleries, reviews from art critics recognized

for the works of contemporary art, books published with publishing groups in the national or

international works of poetry and literary arts, publications of CDs or music videos with national

or international record labels for the works of electronic music. The Curator’s Committee will also

consider requests to participate in this catergory from external recommendations.

The SILVER category is free to enrol, and only requires the achievements set forth in paragraph

8, and is open to all artists who have had at least one personal or collective exposure as stated in

their curriculum.

The NEW PROPOSALS category is also free to enroll, and only requires the achievements set

forth in paragraph 8, and is aimed at all those who have not yet had significant experiences in the

artistic field.

You can also submit work installation for most artists who call “PROJECT”.

Art. 6 – THE WORKS

6.1 The relevance to the theme of the Awards – quality, research and innovation are the key criteria

for the selection of Works in the competition.

The artist will present new works created or works already created.

6.2 The size of the Artworks may vary within the maximum allowable size of 3x3x3 meters for

works of visual art, music files in mp3, videos and music videos with any link to download and / or

adequate supports, literary text in Word. For works of street art as well as those of body art you

can submit photos and / or videos and explanatory sketches.

6.3 Every artist must indicate the title of the work and a brief statement explaining the link between

the proposed project and the theme of the Prize. Specify technical measures and send files to any

print publication also in high resolution.


7.1 The jury will select the winners for each category and creative area, for a total of 36 awards

divided as follows:

• GOLD – Special Adrenaline trophy for every creative area giving a total of 4 awards.

• SILVER – 1 prize to the first acquired in every creative area, 4 total prizes and 2 Adrenaline

trophies for every creative area, totalling 8 awards.

• NEW PROPOSALS – 5 Adrenaline trophies for each creative area, for a total of 20 awards.

All Artworks included in the Awards in each category and creative area automatically participate in

the ONLINE Prize in which 1 trophy will be awarded to the Work that receives the most votes on

the website within the deadlines specified on the website.

Every visitor to the website can only vote once.

Any multiple votes will be automatically excluded. The use of marketing companies and / or buying

of votes is strictly forbidden. The organisation reserves the right to verify the correctness of online

voting by any means.

7.2 By accepting the prize, the winners of the SILVER category surrender their Work and all rights

pertaining to the same to the organisation, VAT included, as well as the right to publish the image

and economic exploitation of the same, retaining the right to be recognised authors of the Work.

7.3 All artists enrolled in the awards grant explicit permission to publish online and print their presented


7.4 Prizes are subject, pursuant to article 30 of the Presidential Decree 600/73, to withholding tax

as tax and waiver of recourse to the FEF.



8.1 For the GOLD category, by invitation, participation in the competition is free (apart from the

cost of postage of the work and/or delivery and retreat);

For the SILVER and NEW PROPOSALS categories, there will be a tax administration expense

divided as follows according to the time of registration:

€ 40,00 (forty euro) from 30 October to 31 December 2015;

€ 50,00 (fifty euro) from 1 January to 31 March 2016;

€ 60,00 (sixty euro) from 1 April to 30 June 2016;

€ 70,00 (seventy euro) from 1 July 2016 until the registration deadline.

(ONLINE PAYMENT on the official site) and is concluded by registration, which implies the full

acceptance of these regulations.

Entrants can also participate in more creative areas and with more works by paying an extra charge

of € 20 each work, indifferently of whether in other creative area.

8.2 At the end of enrollment, from the period October 30 2015 to 20 days before the completion

of the first step of the exhibition, under penalty of inadmissibility, the Artists must submit the documentation

referred to in paragraph 8.3 via internet on the site inserting the

documentation of enrollment in the ‘Participate’ section.

8.3 Entry documentation consists of a Participation Form and can be downloaded from the site in the “Join” section . This Form must be duly completed and signed and

accompanied by a short text explaining the connection between the proposed project and the theme

of the contest, and sent with the following attachments:

a) Pictures of Works, which will be uploaded to in jpg format ( maximum

file size of 500 kb).

b) video, which will be loaded onto wmv, mpeg, mp4, avi, mov, flv with a

maximum duration of 10 minutes and a maximum size of 30 Mb, music files in mp3 format and

texts of poetry and literary arts in word format.

c) Curriculum vitae of the artist , which should contain the name and any alias, address , phone

number, e -mail and web address, if any, and must include an artist profile summary including

education and experience in the artistic field, with a photo of the artist. ADRENALINE does not

guarantee the publication of the curriculum.

The documents provided cannot be returned.

8.4 With the submission of the Application Form , the Artist fully agrees to the Rules of the ADRENALINE

Awards, and declares and guarantees the exclusive ownership of the Work, including the

right of publication of the image and the economic exploitation of the Work; surrendering to ADRENALINE,

without any time limit, the right (but not the obligation) to use and reproduce the image

of the Work and /or the Registration Documentation in whole or in part, directly or through third

parties, and also for economic, advertising and / or promotional and publishing of it, even partially,

in any media or medium, including the website of the Competition ( and

in any manner without the Artist opposing any limitation, whether territorial or temporal nature or

exception, expressly waiving any right or claim in this regard.

The Artist declares to be fully responsible for the content of visual and textual material transmitted.

The Artist states to be aware that submitting an incomplete Entry that is inconsistent with this

Regulation constitutes grounds for exclusion from the ADRENALINE awards; The Artist authorises

the company FEF sas to keep the image of the Work and the Registration Form, acknowledging

that the Work will not be returned;

The Artist expressly authorizes the FEF sas to the processing of personal data in accordance with

the terms stated in Article 11 of this Regulation, pursuant to the Legislative Decree no. 196 of 29

July 2003 and declares to accept all decisions of the jury, including the selection of the finalists

and winners, recognizing that the same shall be final and conclusive in any location; The Artist declares

to indemnify and hold ADRENALINE and FEF harmless from any claim that might be made

by third parties in connection with the Work and /or its reproduction , publication and / or exploitation

, including economic, and declares to be aware that the Work would be excluded from the

ADRENALINE awards if found to be fully or partially copied or made in violation of rights of others.


9.1 Names of all finalists will be published in the catalogue (now in its 5th edition).

The catalogue will be available during the Awards event and will be distributed by the publisher,

who will be chosen by ADRENALINE at its sole discretion.

9.2 The Awards ceremony, the inauguration of the exhibition and travelling exhibitions of the winning

works will take place by the end of the calendar year 2016, except unforeseen events and

circumstances beyond.

For the purpose of the event and the awards show, selected artists will be asked to send in their

work. It is the responsibility of ADRENALINE to contact individual artists by e-mail to provide the

necessary instructions for sending the Work.

9.3 All Prizes awarded must be picked up no later than 30 days from the date of the awards.


10.1 Pursuant to article 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30th June 2003, personal data and

images that are captured under the ADRENALINE Awards are collected and processed with the

help of electronic means, for the purposes and activities related to the development of the ADRENALINE

Awards including the organization of exhibitions and publication

on the website and in the catalogue, or for carrying out its legal obligations.

10.2 With respect to the existence and to the processing of personal data concerning them, the

artists who enter the competition shall be entitled to exercise rights under Article 7 of the decree.

10.3 The holder of the data processing is the FEF.


11.1 The rights and obligations arising from the Contest shall be governed by Italian law.

11.2 The ADRENALINE Awards are excluded from the application of the Presidential Decree October

26, 2001, n. 430 “Regulation on the revision of the rules governing competitions and trading,

as well as the Local Manifestations, pursuant to Article 19, paragraph 4, of Law 27 December

1997, no. 449 “, as it is aimed at the production of works of art and the nature of awards consideration

for provision of work or recognition of personal merit of the artists, or are intended to bodies

or institutions of a public character or purpose that they are eminently socially beneficial or pursuant

to article 6, paragraph 1, lett. a) and e) of the said D.P.. R. n. 430/2001.

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