For years before I deal with art as an artist and organizer of competitions and events then as a journalist .
I opened a few months ago a blog that is very slowly taking shape.
In addition to art and artists I'm interested in the relationship between artists and the Internet both as promotion and self-promotion of the artists themselves as a place of relationships between common interests. I think the Internet is (especially abroad ) fundamentally changing the relationship between the figures in the art world.
I am writing because I would like to review the artists and put them in my blog all absolutely free.
You feel like it ?
I do not arrogated to itself no particular expertise it right but I only propose as a simple "spectator informed "
In summary : if you want a review absolutely sincere and selfless ( then you can use wherever you want ) you can send me 3/5 images ( at most) that also weigh max 8MB in total 10 lines of biography and 10/ 15 lines of desc
"I authorize Antonio Minervini to use these materials (images and text ) for publication by any means, print, video , audio and web use "
I hope will interest you , and I hope to be able to receive images of your works .
It should be noted that the review is absolutely free.
Anyway I wish you especially good job .
Mail: antonio.minervini @
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