Salerno, MARCELLO DIOTALLEVI,  “In the form of travel, stamps and letters from Citera”
Exhibition, Italy, Salerno, 01 July 2018
Skills: Exhibition space, Gallery owner, Materials with which to build works


"In the form of travel, stamps and letters from Citera"

Edited by Sandro Bongiani

From 18 April 2018 to 1 July 2018

Inauguration: Wednesday 18 April 2018, 18.00

"In the form of travel, stamps and letters from Citera" is the title of the personal exhibition that the Ophen Virtual Art Gallery in Salerno dedicates to Marcello Diotallevi, one of the most interesting Italian contemporary artists born in the forties, who presents for this exhibition works (24 Stamps by artist and 18 Letters from Citera) made between 1984 and 2012, which cover over forty years of research, from the figurative beginnings of the early 80s, until today.

Marcello Diotallevi, born in 1942, at the end of the seventies began his raids in the area of Visual Poetry, using the letters of the alphabet for accumulations, disseminations freed from any meaning and literal meaning, and in recent years, even of recovery of the color and joyful use of painting. Artist of open-air flights of "words to the wind", of unusual letters without a recipient returning to the sender; letters in which the graphic collection of graphic symbols create new associations that are always unpredictable and new, disarticulating the language and reducing it to pieces. The entire production of the artist of Fano comes from the hybridization of languages to the point of crossing over with convincing confidence in visual poetry. Marcel Duchamp, an artist loved by Marcello for his aesthetic and conceptual component, is responsible for these playful provocative interventions. The artist's stamps and the Lettere da Citera appear in a rigorous and rigorous series of works. The attention to the stamp of a small-format artist was born in 1984 with a "Jeune Peinture" stamp, with a fairy tale in the wind, presented at the Grand Palais in Paris. All the stamps present deal with fantastic, ironic and above all social themes in line with the pungent and imaginative poetry of the Fano artist. Even the letters from Citera, works realized on paper (21x30 cm) with typing technique on photo xerography, respect this attention and rigorous severity to the composition and to the poetic message hidden and hybridized between the defined features of the body. Dedicated to women, they are born to be read and perhaps deciphered. Stamp, letter and letters of the alphabet thus become a gesture of love and at the same time a vehicle in search of a hypothetical recipient. A sort of poetic flight within the imagination and the enchantment with the focus of presences that try to practice the journey and share the in-defined. Letters from the vague destiny relate between the obscure recesses of the mind with imaginary stamps waiting for some possible recipient to decipher the obscure presages of the word, greedily cling to the imagination and let themselves be transported to the flow of currents, aware that they can no longer be meaning accomplished but mere presence and elusive clue.


Marcello Diotallevi was born in 1942 in Fano. He lived for a long time in Rome where for a decade he worked as a restorer at the Restoration Laboratory in the Vatican. In those years also began his artistic activity in the name of restlessness. As a painter first, then as a sculptor in the early seventies, then for some time he deals with graphics and finally begins to write. At the end of the Seventies his raids began in the area of Mail Art and Visual Poetry, of which he is still a committed protagonist. In over a quarter of a century of artistic activity he has collaborated with his works on national and international books and magazines. Over the course of time he has held several solo exhibitions in major Italian cities, participating at the same time in collective exhibitions around the world. He is part of the group of artistic intervention "I metanetworker in spirit". He mainly deals with installation, Visual Poetry and Mail Art. He is the author of the cover of the Guide to the Musée National d'Art Moderne - Center Georges Pompidou in Paris (Hazan Editeur 1983). In 2003 he received an invitation to hold a performance in the "Extra 50" Section of the 50th International Art Exhibition - Venice Biennale but, not being a performer, he declined the invitation. In 2007 he was invited to the 52nd Venice Biennale and then in 2011 to the 54th Venice Biennale, Tibet Pavilion, curated by Ruggero Maggi. Since 1974 he lives and works in Fano.


“In the form of travel, stamps and letters from Citera”


Via S. Calenda, 105 / D - Salerno

Salerno Tel / Fax 089 5648159


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Hours continued every day from 00.00 to 24.00

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