Exhibition, Italy, Roma, 30 June 2013
Skills: Exhibition space, Location finder, Installer, Critic, Curator, Gallery owner, Sponsor, Artist
EVA EVA is a photographic project which develops in three stages that I have developed from

concept of anger, in particular by investigating the concept of divine wrath and

status of women in present day.

Starting from the famous episode of Genesis where Eve led to

temptation from the evil bites the forbidden apple and offers it to Adam,

condemning humanity and especially itself

(subordination to man), in EVA + EVA the evil, the snake that

has viciously induced Eve to sin, becomes the means by which

Eve (woman) takes self-awareness. An intimate gesture between two

women, who share the forbidden fruit not only as intimate love

, but also as a ransom in a religious culture that wants

woman always one step behind, head bowed, mother and wife, and not

offers the possibility of escape.

In the second phase of the project, Eve and the apple come into contact, arms

seem to be in symbiosis, the gesture is an ostentation to

eyes of those who would like Eva in her place, the shadow of man,

unconscious, and invokes the Wrath of God to be thrown at her, so

as described in the Holy scriptures of almost all religions. but

Eva tends her arms, and instead of accepting a fate that she did not

chosen, "choose to choose" knowledge, chooses to emancipate and

to know love.

In the third phase, final, Eva has already acquired knowledge, she has

rebelled against a society that for too long forced her a

marginal role, but that's not enough: Eva has turned into a woman,

and as such offers the same opportunity that was offered to her,

to Adam, but to all: the offer of the apple is a request and

hope, for men,in order they understand, but especially for women, in order they act.

The complete project consists of three distinct sets of photos, and is still in progress. I'd like to propose it not only in Rome, but wherever there is a gallery willing to host it, and I am also seeking some artist who realizes installations on the theme.

Comments 2

Associazione Roberta Smedili
11 years ago
un grande in bocca al lupo
Teresa Palombini
11 years ago
Tanti auguri!

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