Stage Painting Level 1
Workshop, Italy, Lecce, 30 September 2012
Stage of painting held by Master Charles Bonnet and Massimo Quarta.Lo internship lasts 30 hours and requires the study of basic techniques already learned and differs from the basic course as there is no single path, but every student will have the opportunity choose the style (oil painting on wood and canvas, impressionism and expressionism figurative or abstract) and the techniques they prefer: pencil drawing, studio portraiture, anatomy and landscape, oil painting, watercolor, gouache, acrylic and painting material

The student will choose the subjects to be implemented in accordance with its needs of photographs from magazines or books to be pure invention.

The ultimate goal of course is to acquire a good knowledge of painting techniques examined and stimulate personal creativity of each student.

For info and registration: / / / 393 8763086

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