Landscape Drawings 2.0
Exhibition, Netherlands, Rotterdam, 15 April 2012
Skills: Collector
Tom van Campenhout next period opens his solo exhibition drawings 2.0'' Landscape'' at Podium O 950 in Rotterdam.

The images of Tom van Campenhout consist of mixtures of natural and urban landscapes that melt into one another and collide. Movement, architectural lines, transformation and metamorphosis are central.

The images are a combination of van Campenhout handmade drawings digitally reworked.

The solo exhibition of Tom van Campenhout opens on April 15, 2012 at 14:00 pm in the Maas Hall Podium O 950. While enjoying a drink and enjoy the spring sunshine of the works of Tom van Campenhout.

Comments 1

Associazione Roberta Smedili
12 years ago
good luck Tom

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