Exhibition, Italy, Varese, Tradate, 10 January 2011
Skills: Exhibition space, Journalist, Installation materials
The poetries of Romeo Lucioni and the artistic works of Luca Mascheroni introduce as an example of an pedagogic and thymological integration in which the meeting is the moment to activate works and the desire to discover the deep sense of a collaboration and an "to experiment together."

As you can be discovered, the difference of age doesn't result an impediment as it is not a difficulty the different cultural preparation. To work together becomes "to build a bridge of love", on which to make it to happen things that stay in the memory and they enrich the conscience, but also the dynamics of the "dream."

Comments 1

13 years ago
lerre Artist
La fatica di attivare questi projects si accompagna al desiderio di attivare il desiderio di partecipare a scoprire il senso di una "vita timologica" che privilegia i sentimenti positivi e la integrazione.

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